Faster means faster – or not? Not so fast. In music, there are usually many possibilities for one word. Discover 27 different ways to say “faster” in music here – in four languages.
Italiano | English | Deutsch | Français |
più presto | faster | schneller | plus vite |
accelerando/sollecitando | getting faster/urging | beschleunigend | en accélerant |
accelerato | accelerated | beschleunigt | accéleré |
affrettando/frettando | hastening/hurrying | eilend | en pressant |
andando/procedendo | going on/to proceed | vorwärts gehend/fortschreitend | en allant/en procédant |
animando | becoming more animated | belebend/lebhafter werdend | en animant |
avanti/avanzando | forward/moving forward | vorwärts/vorantreibend | en avant/en avançant |
avvivando | enlivening | neu belebend | en ranimant |
camminando | walking | gehend/vorangehend/vorwärts gehend | en marchant |
doppio movimento | double the speed | doppelt so schnell | en doublant le mouvement |
incalzando | in a hectic pace | drängend | en talonnant |
movendo/muovendo | moving | bewegend | mouvant |
più tosto | swifter | eiliger | plus vite |
più veloce | quicker | mit höherem Tempo | plus rapide |
precipitando | precipitately/rushing | sich überstürzend/gehetzt | en précipitant |
pressando/pressante | pressing | bedrängend | en pressant/pressez |
ravvivando | reviving | wiederbelebend | en ravivant |
ravvivato | revived | wieder belebt | ravivé |
rianimando | reanimating | wieder lebhafter | en ranimant |
riscaldando | warming up | erwärmend | en réchauffant |
ristringendo | restricting/drawing together again | enger werdend | en resserrant |
sempre più animato | always more animated | immer belebter | de plus en plus animé |
serrato | tightly | gedrängt | serré |
spedendo | promptly | beeilend | en se hâtant |
spingendo | pushing/pressing forward | stoßend/treibend | en poussant |
stretto/ristretto | drawn together/tight | eng | serré/étroit |
stringendo/serrando | drawing together/tightening | zusammendrängend/allmählich schneller werdend | en serrant |
urgente | urgent | dringend | urgent |

Jonathan Stark – Conductor
Hello! I'm Jonathan Stark. As a conductor, it is important to me that visits to concerts and operas leave a lasting impression on the audience. Background knowledge helps to achieve this. That's why I blog here about key works of classical music, about composers, about opera and much more that happens in the exciting world of music.