Slow down – but how? In music, there are many ways to do this: calming, delaying, dying, stretching. Discover here 30 different ways to say “slower” in music – in four languages.
Italiano | English | Deutsch | Français |
più lento | slower | langsamer | plus lent |
allargando/slargando | broadening | breiter werdend | en élargissant |
allentando/slentando | loosening | lockernd | en relâchant |
allungando/dilungando | stretching out | verlängernd | en allongeant |
calmando | calming | beruhigend | en calmant |
calmandosi | calming down | sich besänftigend | en se calmant |
estendendo/espandendosi | extending | ausdehnend | en s'étandant |
estenuandosi | getting exhausted | sich erschöpfend | en s'exténuant |
frenando/raffrenando | braking | bremsend | en freinant |
indugiando | delaying | zögernd | en s'attardant |
largando | widening | verbreiternd | en élargissant |
mancando | lacking | entschwindend/ausklingen lassend | en défaillant |
moderando | moderating | mäßigend | en modérant |
morendo | dying away | sterbend/ersterbend | en mourant |
prolungando | prolonging | verlängernd | en prolongeant |
rallentando/lentando | getting slower/slowing down | langsamer werdend | en ralentissant |
rallentato | slower | verlangsamt | ralenti |
rilasciando/rilassando | releasing | nachlassend | en relâchant |
ritardando/tardando | retarding | verzögernd | en retardant |
ritardato | delayed | verzögert | retardé |
ritenuto/trattenuto | held back | zurückgehalten | retenu |
spirando/espirando | fading away/dying out | hinsterbend/ausatmend | en expirant |
stentando/penando | toiling/struggling | angestrengt | en peinant |
stiracchiando | tugging | zerrend | en tiraillant |
stirando | stretching | dehnend | en s'étendant |
strascinando/trascinando/trascicando/trainando | dragging | schleppend/verschleppend | en traînant |
svanendo | vanishing | entschwindend | en s'estompant/en s'effaçant |
tirando | drawing/pulling | ziehend | en tirant |
trattenendo/rattenendo/ritenendo | holding back | zurückhaltend | en retenant |
tratto | dragged | geschleppt | traîné |
Jonathan Stark – Conductor
Hello! I'm Jonathan Stark. As a conductor, it is important to me that visits to concerts and operas leave a lasting impression on the audience. Background knowledge helps to achieve this. That's why I blog here about key works of classical music, about composers, about opera and much more that happens in the exciting world of music.